Monday, September 6, 2010

Well, tomorrow's the start of school and I'm just saying that I won't have time to post anything new for a few days but I'll try to post something new every week.
Laserguy99 out.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Kyogre ex (EX Hidden Legends)

Today's Pokemon Card Review is Kyogre ex from the EX Hidden Legends set. It has 100HP and it's a Basic Pokemon. Mark of Antiquity is a Poke-Body that Kyogre can use. This really useful if your opponent has a Raquaza ex or a Groudon ex in play because as long as Kyogre is in battle, those two cards I mentioned can't attack. Pretty useful, right? Kyogre's first attack is called Water Arrow. You need 2 Colorless energies to play it. choose one of your opponent's Pokemon and deal an automatic 30 damage to that Pokemon. Not including Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokemon. Kyogre's next attack is called Super Tidal Wave and it needs 2 Water energies and 1 Colorless to play it. With a Base Damage of 50+, you can deal major damage.......TO A BASIC POKEMON! Anyway, you can only add 10 damage so those damn Bidoofs and Starlys better watch out. With a Weakness of Grass, A Resistance of nothing and a Retreat Cost of 3 Colorless energies, this card SUCKS. This card gets a mediocre 3.00. Yes, I gave it a 3.00.
Laserguy99 out.  

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This post is mainly for entertainment, so if your bored and have nothing to do, click on the links below.

Moshimonsters,FantagePoptropicaMoFunZoneStick PageGamespot,Max Games.

I don't own these websites nor am I profiting from them. This post will be updated. Until then, Laserguy99 out.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Update For 8/30/10

As you may know, school is going to start in a few days now so can't be able to post stuff new every day though, but I will try to do at least 1 Pokemon Card Review every week and also things I'm doing at school.
That's all for now, Laserguy99 out.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rocket's Moltres ex (EX Team Rocket Returns)

Today's Pokemon Card Review is Rocket's Moltres ex from the Team Rocket Returns set. Moltres has 100HP, a Dark Type and a Basic Pokemon. Dark Lift is a Poke-Body that Moltres has. You know those pesky energies you have to sacrifice in order for that Pokemon to retreat? Well with Dark Lift, if Moltres has any Dark energy attached to it, Moltres' Retreat Cost is nothing. Pretty useful, right? One of Moltres' attacks is called Fire Dance. You need 1 Fire energy and 1 Colorless energy to play it. It can do 30 damage to your opponent's Pokemon and you can search your discard pile for any Fire energy and attach it to any of your Pokemon.Now, Moltres' last attack is called called Combustion which does 50 damage for 2 Fire energies and 1 Colorless energy. That's pretty low for todays standards but hey, it's Moltres ex. Anyway, Moltres has no Resistance, a Weakness of Water, and 2 Colorless energies are needed for it's Retreat Cost unless you use Dark Lift.
Laserguy99 out.  

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Flygon ex (EX Legend Maker)

Today's Pokemon Card Review is Flygon ex from the EX Legend Maker set. It has 150HP, a Stage 2 Colorless type and has pretty nice artwork. Flygon's Poke-Power, Emerge Charge, can allow Flygon to search your discard pile and attach 2 energies to Flygon which is pretty useful since Flygon's Dragon Claw attack takes up FIVE energies! Anyway to be more specific, you need 3 Colorless energies and 1 Grass and Lightning energy. The Base Damage of this attack is 100 which is pretty huge but for 5 energies......That's a lot. OK, screw that attack, it's gonna be a real pain attaching all those energies just for 1 attack. Next up is Reactive Blast for 1 Lightning energy and 1 Colorless energy. You can discard as much energies as you want from Flygon and for each of those energies you discarded, that's a +30 damage you can add to the 40+ Base Damage. Let's do the math OK? So with 5 energies attached to Flygon which could be used for Dragon Claw, which is instead going to be used for Reactive Blast. 40 Base damage, + 3 discarded energies= 130 damage! Take that Dragon Claw! Anyway with a Weakness to Colorless Pokemon, a Resistance of Lightning AND Fighting-30, and 2 Colorless energies for a Retreat Cost, this card is definitely a 9.00.
Laserguy99 out.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shining Gyarados (EX Holon Phantoms)

Today's Pokemon Card Review is Shining Gyarados from the ex Holon Phantoms set.It's a Basic Fire Type with     80HP and 2 attacks. They are called Spiral Growth and All-Out Blast. Spiral Growth has a Base Damage of 20 and needs 1 Fire energy and 1 Colorless energy. Flip a coin and if it;s heads, search your discard-pile for a Basic energy card and attach it to Gyarados.That's pretty helpful since you need 4 Fire energies to play Gyarados' next attack called All-Out Blast. With a Base Damage of 50+, that's a big put-down considering you had to have at least 4 Fire energies attached to Gyarados but it's effect is pretty risky but powerful. So you basically discard ALL of the cards in your deck until you have only 1 card left but for each energy card you discarded, that's 20 more damage added to the 50+  Base Damage you already had. That's a pretty risky move but I recommend you to use this when your opponent only has 1 Pokemon left. Gyarados has a Weakness to Lightning Pokemon, no Resistance and a Retreat Cost of 2 Colorless energies, this card is pretty amazing and the artwork is pretty decent too.
The final rating of this card is 8.5.
Laserguy99 out.